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Astra - northeast front

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Àñòðà - ñåâåðîçàïàäíà ôàñàäà - ôðàãìåíò
:: Shell and core condition
– the ASTRA Complex is designed with monolithic framework of reinforced concrete. The structure complies with the normative requirements to designing in seismic areas: ²Õ degree on the Medvedev-Sponheur-Karnik scale for Sofia.

:: The external enclosing walls
shall be made of terra-cotta lattice bricks 25 cm thick and shall be insulated thermally on the outside with 6 cm of mineral wool. The internal partition walls shall be made of same bricks 12 or 25 cm thick. The internal surface of the walls and ceilings shall be finished with Knauf machine stucco.

:: The floors of the rooms
shall be coated and the floors of the balconies shall be covered with granitogres.

:: The window frames shall be made of German ÐVÑ with double-glazing.

:: Doors: internal apartment doors with luxury veneer, the front doors of the apartments shall be armored.

:: Installations:
• Heating – central heating shall be provided in all sections supplied by the complex’s own power center with boilers using natural gas. Each apartment, office or shop has an Italian radiators and shall be capable of regulating and accounting for the used power individually. The installation shall be made of ÐVÑ pipes with aluminum  insert.
• Ventilation – exhaust ventilation of all auxiliary rooms and general circulation ventilation of the basement rooms.
• Air-conditioning – the office and retail section shall have central air-conditioning, for retail section - blowing treated fresh air and the microclimate in the rooms shall be ensured by ventilator convectors. The measuring shall be done by a heat and cold meter.
• Water supply system  - made of polypropylene and polyethylene pipes. Hot water shall be supplied throughout the year by the building’s boiler gas station.
• Sewerage – made of ÐVÑ pipes in noise-insulated shafts.
• Electric installation – power and lighting electric installations in compliance with BSS.
• Telecommunications – cabling to the separate rooms in the apartment section and cabling to each workplace for the office and retail sections.
• Internet - cabling to the separate rooms in the apartment section using the coaxial cable of the cable ÒV operator and local cabling to each workplace for the office and retail sections.
• Cable ÒV - cabling to the separate rooms in the apartment section connected to the cable ÒV operator.
• Bell and intercom system – provided for each apartment and office.
• Security alarm system – cabling.
• Fire alarm

:: General parts:
• Entrance foyers – automatic front doors made of aluminum German profile, ceilings painted with latex, stone. Family mail boxes.
• Staircases – stone steps, rails according to the architectural detail.
• Elevators – passenger elevators produced by Thyssen Group.

:: Underground parking lot – the floor shall be made of ground concrete, Hörmann garage door with remote control.

:: The facade of all blocks shall be of the curtain wall type and shall be ventilated. It shall be made of aluminum panels thermally insulated with 6 cm thick mineral wool.

:: The roof shall be flat and warm and shall have internal draining. The roof of the first floor oriented to the south shall be greened in accordance with the design. The chimneys shall be built using double chimney shafts with transitions and single chimney shafts.

:: Environment
– lawns and sidewalks shaped with concrete plates.
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